today we are going to
be trading up from:a tiny little penny all the way up to an:iphone . so let's get this challenge:started and let's get trading:[Music]:hello good morning i have a really weird:question for you we're doing this:challenge where i'm trading up from a:penny to an iphone and i was just:wondering if there's anything you would:want to trade like a pen or something:small like anything at all that you:would be willing to trade yes thank you:there you go enjoy your penny we got it:okay well i do not think that would work:okay we have a pen that was pretty easy:she didn't take any convincing but we're:actually doing a project where we're:trading up from a penny to an iphone and:right now we have a pen is there:anything you'd be down to trade for this:pen anything at all do you have anything:nothing okay that's totally fine thank:you and if we do make it to an iphone:it's gonna be used for a giveaway so:stay tuned:maybe we could trade this pen for a shoe:or like a sock a sock:we're actually doing a project where:we're trading up from a penny is there:anything at all you'd be willing to:trade for a pen it could be anything:small that you'd be willing to trade:just whatever:a gemstone that'd be cool yeah thank you:yeah awesome thank you so much enjoy:your pen we got a stone:this is awesome okay dude i can't:believe we got it:really:okay i feel like we're not ready for:there yet let's keep going oh my god:people are so nice i
think the pen and to the stone
was a good trade:and i don't know we might have:downgraded can we get our pen back this:is not gonna rain honestly if we could:trade for anything like packaged it:would get like a huge upgrade hey i'm:just happy we got to this i didn't think:anyone was gonna agree:okay so this is kind of a weird request:so now we're at this little stone i:don't know if there's anything i'd be:willing to trade at all for it anything:like a little bit better or maybe the:same cost:what kind of pen is it straight things:what do you think pin a pin not a pin i:think that might be better than the:stone right we'll do it:you got a deal because honestly like:stone is nice but like i feel like kind:of funny:yes thank you you are the best thank you:all right so we got this little pin go:tigers baby okay we need a stranger:things love in person we need to make a:bigger upgrade here this is a value of:like this probably has a higher value:though if it was packed let's go into:the gucci store maybe they'd be down:we're actually doing this like challenge:where we trade up from a penny to an:iphone and right now we have this little:pin i don't know if there's anything
that you'd be willing to trade we'll take
the trash can:just kidding we won't take the trash can:oh okay well thank you so much anyway:hello how are you today okay so this is:kind of a weird thing but we're actually:doing a challenge it's a very nice pin:you know from stranger things you like:stranger things right come on:you you don't watch that show no:okay it's from stranger things so is:there anything at all you'd be able to:trade maybe you don't have anything not:even like a pair of socks he's not:wearing socks:this has a good value it's probably:around to be honest with you so do:you want to be a part of this project:this challenge come on ladies come on:well by the end of the day we'll be at:an iphone we'll come back and we'll show:you but you know you could be a part of:this journey high hopes:come on emilio you got us emilio you got:us look this is a stranger things pin:all right this is oh come on nobody:likes stranger things:okay i don't watch it either but the:lady told us it was stranger things:emilio my boy:dude this is lit okay the empty airpod:case is like a really good value but:there's no airpods in it what do we:think becca i think the sunglasses might:be a better selling point actually oh:this is a jar decision what do you think:my guess is:catch a tiger by a toe if it hollers let
it go eeny meeny mighty phone all right
we'll take the airplane thank you let's:doing business with you we're gonna come:back with an iphone just wait:okay we have an empty airport this is:not bad at all this is gonna be a little:bit tricky to sell mine to make it a:wrist not getting the sunglasses let's:go find someone that's missing their:kids they were lit shout out to emilio:at tilly's you're late oh what my hair:dollars:we are we got to airport our empty:airpod case:yeah:so wait what is this a beat:come on we're not trading you this for a:bean:okay so would you be down to trade:anything for these we started with a:penny my name is robert nice to meet you:sarah show us something good robert okay:okay we'll do this train:nice you're:literally the clutch thank you take care:guys:are you kidding me is this even real:life right now we got a perfume they're:coming back no take backs trying to do:the same thing he's trying to compete:with me he said he's gonna go sell the:airpods okay did we get scammed they're:going into the apple store that's our:final goal in there guys we're coming:for you good morning how are you guys:today what's up what's up okay so this:is gonna be weird i know it's gonna be
very weird we're doing a challenge where
we're trading up from a penny to an:iphone and right now we have this:perfume we've gone through yeah pretty:good right we've gone through a pen we:went to a pin lost airpod case wow so:now we're here at this perfume:value is there anything you guys would:be willing to trade i'll take your apple:watch i'm:just kidding that was a joke that was a:joke:i'm not that much of a scammer i was:kind of impressed that you got up to:that me too me too nothing nothing for:trade no i'm watching just think about:it if y'all don't get anything that's:fine we just wanted to come see you know:maybe bargain a little bit i honestly:don't have anything on me nothing at the:moment we'll be back and we'll come back:with our iphone so don't doubt us don't:doubt us little do they know that i have:friends in the mall morning going on:what's going on how are you we're:filming today there you go:so you're our friend so i was hoping:that maybe you'd be able to trade us i:know you'll have some iphones iphone i:don't want to trade iphone with:something but:my wife's birthday is coming your wife's:birthday she would want a perfume i:don't know come with something better:[Music]:wow okay fine if we can come up with:something better for your wife's:birthday something nice my wife has that:one oh your wife has this one already:okay okay if we can come back with:something really nice you'll trade us an:iphone yeah i have some stuff there you:see the iphones:we want those those are the ones we're:going for you got a deal you're going
down i'm gonna come back with something
better:i'm gonna come back oh so you're giving:us a head start he's giving us a little:gift because he doesn't think we can do:it okay well thank you for the gift this:will get us really far we appreciate you:we'll be back and we're coming for our:iphone:bro we got some good job oh my gosh okay:let's keep going let's keep going you:think we're ready for foot locker i feel:like we're kind of in the big leagues:right now:i'm like so excited how did we get here:i don't know:here goes nothing hello good morning:okay so this is gonna be kind of funny:but we're actually doing a challenge:rated from a penny we're trying to get:to an iphone and this is what we have so:far very good value anybody what they:got for us what is this we have to:choose between okay a vans water bottle:and what is this oh it's a board game:these are two nice raids yeah what are:you trying to trade for a very good:value perfume oh look that's a whole:game in there shoot and we have some:wireless earbuds top of the line right:here okay first off what are you willing:to trade who's making the trade who's:making a trade here the water bottle is:kind of tempting it's like this is a:nice looking water bottle but this is a:whole set do any mini money mo once:again eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger:by the toe if it hollers let it go eeny
meeny miny moe all right we'll do
the water let me feel this delicious do that:one this one ah this is kind of cool:though this is kind of cool all right:you're right we'll do this okay we'll do:this now what are you wanting to trade:for take the headphones there you go my:man good decision nice doing business:with you guys you guys are awesome we're:gonna come back with an iphone so just:wait:[Applause]:[Music]:doing a challenge where we're trading:from a penny to an iphone this:one-of-a-kind vans:checkers game playing set all right this:is some pretty sick stuff from a penny:so are you have anything of more value:that you'd be willing to trade nothing:got a child shoe child shoe:but that's about it:okay maybe not that because that is a:little bit of a downgrade all right well:thank you so much anyways for your time:take care maybe we'll trade one of these:for a massage i feel like that's a good:idea massage no no okay you're right:you're right:we're actually filming and we're doing:uh trading from a penny to an iphone and:so far we have this perfume and this:test playing set we started with a penny:so i don't know if there's anything you:guys would be willing to trade or
upgrade us to or be part of the
challenge of any sort i mean if you all:have something or if the store like does:little like freebies i don't know if:anything like that or we have a little:okay so no no downgrading here okay well:thank you guys so much for your time:anyways they just want to fall they:don't want to see me winning okay:i'm thinking if we bring his wife like a:necklace maybe he'd be down to do the:trade so we have this little chess board:but i think we could upgrade to that i:feel like that's an equal trade you know:it's like that's pretty good maybe not:maybe not hello how are you doing today:we're doing great we're doing a very:interesting challenge today we are doing:like trading out from a penny to an:iphone and right now we have a board:game chess set and a perfume so i don't:know if there's anything you'd want to:trade with me for or see he can trade:with us samples but no we don't want to:downgrade here he said he could give us:a little something not a trade but just:our sample and you know we'll take your:deal we can take anything we can get:right now oh wow thank you man you're:awesome look have sleepy body lotion all:of the good stuff we're gonna come back:with an iphone so just be ready just be:ready for us the best good luck thank:you yeah you'd be surprised how many:people are willing to help the challenge:and fight for justice i feel like we:might have some good luck over here in:like the smaller shops you know:so we have a little bit of a weird:challenge going on no okay that's:totally fine yeah if you can't train:anything then that's totally cool:thank you guys take care hey good:morning how are you today um i just:wanted to ask you some really weird:question but we are actually doing a:challenge a project where we started:with a penny and we're trading up to an:iphone so i don't know if there would be:anything you'd be willing to trade