
i phone 14 boxing

iphone  is coming soon 

and it's:bringing with it some big changes and:some must have upgrades apple's also:working on a brand new apple watch some:massively upgraded airpods pro and one:other special product that when it:launches will change the iphone forever:and not in a good way as we always do:here on the apple circle let's 

break:down the latest apple leaks

 news and:rumors that you need to know about:including the five biggest products:launching from apple before the end of: they're coming soon and also let me:tell you why those big changes and those:big products are going to signal the end:of the iphone get ready to say goodbye:it's going to be sad but this guy is:going away:and a big thanks to you green for:sponsoring this video:this video is jam-packed with lots of:big apple news and there is so much to:discuss that i just need to stop with:the intro and get right into it because:apple has a very busy fall in store for:us there are lots of great new products:coming soon and let's start with the:biggest the best that's of course the:iphone . as of right now this is our:best look yet at the iphone  lineup:that includes the iphone  iphone :max iphone  pro and pro max and as you:can see here that big rumored redesign:is not coming this year there is no usb:c port there's no crazy change it's:gonna be more of an incremental year for:the iphone but still some big upgrades:are here and maybe a signal that the 

iphone is no longer apple's top

 priority:or their crown jewel:maybe it's been sort of replaced by:something else something more exciting:but more on that in a bit first off we:gotta acknowledge that the notch is kind:of going away at least on the pro models:this is apple's new double hole punch:system i'm not exactly sure what they're:gonna call it basically it is now the:successor to the notch and it's gonna:basically give you the full power and:functionality of face id by giving you a:little bit more screen real estate on:your screen to actually use this is only:going to be on the iphone  pro and pro:max it's sort of this new double hole:punch system and it's unclear how this:is going to differ from the notch if at:all and how apple is going to utilize:that extra space that you now sort of:regain with this new system obviously:it's not the sort of notchless whole:punchless iphone that we've all been:waiting for but at least it's a step in:the right direction one of the other:most noticeable changes here with the:iphone  lineup is an all-new model:this is the iphone  max it is the:replacement to the mini iphone from the: and the  and yeah if you didn't:already know there is not going to be an 

iphone  mini instead there's gonna be 

a big guy here the iphone  max this is:basically like the pro max minus the pro:feature so it's not going to have a pro:motion display it's not going to have a:triple camera setup not have prores:video a lot of those pro higher end:features but what it is going to give:you is a really nice beautiful . inch:oled display and sort of give you the:creature comforts of a bigger iphone at:a cheaper price than the  pro max:we're not exactly sure what the price is:going to be but probably at least  to: less than the sort of a top end :pro max the other big change here that:is a really big deal if you take a lot:of photos and videos on your iphone is:the main camera upgrade coming to the:pro iphone s and that is the jump:finally from a  megapixel main camera:all the way up to a  megapixel main:camera apple's rumored to be using pixel:bending technology to sort of give you:uh more versatile photos and hopefully:better videos out of this sort of larger:megapixel main camera and hopefully we:also see some sort of improvements you:know the basic stuff smart hdr better 

prores video support maybe an upgrade

 to:cinematic video mode as well basically:more refinements improvements and:features when it comes to the camera on:your iphone  pro and pro max now the:iphone  and  max are also getting:some camera upgrades just not the:significant jump that is reserved only:for those pro models all iphone :models will give you a better selfie:camera system here with a better auto:focusing capability built in and also a:little bit more light that can be led:into that sensor as well for a little:bit more of a sharper shallower depth of:field image if you're into that sort of:thing on the front of your iphone we've:also got some new rumors that suggest:that finally this year after uh sort of:a weird year last year the always-on:mode will be coming to the iphone :this year but only reserved for the :pro and  pro max we don't exactly know:what it's going to look like or exactly:how

it's going to work but we're assuming

 it's going to be similar to the:apple watch where you can sort of look:down at your phone see some info at a:glance and your phone's screen is sort:of always on or at least the pixels that:need to be illuminated are illuminated:here in this always-on mode no word on:how it's going to work battery life:impacts all that stuff but that could be:coming as a special feature only to the: pro phones and of course beyond the:big stuff making headlines here there's:lots of other little changes expected to:come to these phones as well like new:colors we should see a new processor in:the pros we should hopefully get some:more ram some different storage:configuration options maybe that secret:satellite tech is finally ready and:maybe no sim slot on the iphone  as:well lots of last minute changes of:course will come to the  and i think:that uh you know it's going to be a:pretty worthwhile upgrade for many:people out there maybe not if you've got:a  but if you got a  or  it should:be a good year for you:but putting all that to the side for a:moment i think that there's an even:bigger story here with the iphone  

one that signals a dramatic shift for apple's

 attention and one with a lot:more controversy and juicy drewsy drewsy:juicy drama something to keep in mind:this year is that the iphone is:launching sort of in the shadow of a:much bigger project this mixed  reality:ar vr headset is set to launch sometime:this year if not sometime next year and:when it launches it's going to change:everything that is not hyperbole that is:not me being dramatic from those:familiar with the project and analysts:who have closely followed apple's moves:past present and now future everyone:agrees this is going to be a really big:deal and sort of signal the end of the:iphone as we know it and i'm really:curious to see how apple positions the:iphone  when they know this headset is:going to be launching either shortly:after it or sometime in the next :months or so along the iphone 's life:cycle and i'll talk more about this in a:moment once we talk about some other:projects but just think about sort of:the iphone 's announcement with the:iphone . iphone  is still a great:phone as it sort of stood alone but when:everybody

 saw the iphone  that's where everybody's

 focus went and i think that:this year the iphone  might be:overshadowed by something much bigger:and much more exciting now before we:continue with more on what apple is:planning to launch this fall let me talk:about something you need to get right:now to totally upgrade your device and:take your charging experience to a whole:new level the best way to do that is by:picking up this an amazing charger made:by this video sponsor ukraine this super:sleek silver cube is the ugreen nexo to: watt charger and as the name:suggests it can push  watts of power:to recharge your devices it's got a:great mix of three usb c ports and a usb:a port so you can easily plug in your:phone your tablet your laptop and plenty:of other devices and get them all:recharged juiced up and good to go ready:for you to use again in like no time and:one of the most incredible things about:this is just the small size with the:super advanced gan chip inside and the:foldable plug this thing collapses to:fit right in the palm of your hand so:it's super pocketable portable super 

easy to throw this thing into a bag

 or:backpack and even with that small size:you are in no way sacrificing with:quality or power and with the latest:game chip set inside you're gonna be:able to charge your devices way faster:than you're normally used to for example:you can charge an iphone  is  in:just  minutes or fully charge the big:boy  inch macbook pro in just an hour:and a half in fact this is three times:faster than that puny little original:iphone charger that you just never want:to use again the u-green nexo  watt:charger is just fantastic i really love:it i know you guys will love it as well:if you guys want to pick one up for:yourself today hit the link right down:below in the description to learn more:and get one for yourself right now i:want to sort of focus on another area of:apple's product lineup that is causing a:lot of drama controversy just a lot of:back and forth and uh some fighting:going on in the apple remember that is:all around this the all-new apple watch:well this is a series seven but i'm of:course talking all about the all-new:apple watch series eight that's because 

some new rumors have surfaced

 that sort:of suggests that apple might be actually:giving us that long rumored sort of flat:edged boxy industrial redesign that was:supposed to come last year with the:apple watch series seven and there has:been a lot of controversy around the:series seven and i am in the camp of:those who believe that the series seven:that apple showed off was not what we:originally were supposed to get but:that's sort of besides the point if you:want to hear more about my crazy apple:uh conspiracy theories and all that:stuff i talk about it at length uh with:matt gonzalez on the apple circle:podcast i'll leave that link down below:but in short we might be seeing a:redesign to the apple watch series  but:let me be clear that as of right now:this could come this could not come or:one of the theories is that this is only:going to be reserved for a new special:sort of rugged sport edition apple watch:that should be launching this year:whether all apple watches feature this:new redesign or not 

we also know some:other things 

are of course coming as:well some processor upgrades:improvements to battery life hopefully:speed on the apple watch maybe a bit of:a brighter display or need maybe some:minor display tweaks coming as well and:then of course one of the apple watch's:biggest areas of focus and concentration:is all about health maybe apple's going:to build a body temperature monitor into:the series  and

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