
i phone max defineing

 [i phone max] 

hey what's going on did you do something:to your hair:you look fantastic listen canadians are:silly in order to:appropriately describe:a unit of distance in terms of like a:road trip we talk about:the amount of time in which it takes us:to:drive to that location not the actual:distance itself and recently i:went on a little road trip and if i were:to be said silly canadian i would tell:you that i was in the car for roughly:two hours:in a single direction and then two hours:coming back naturally that road trip and:the decision involving what tech i was:going to bring with me leads me to this:here video the decision that i was being:faced with was what phone:did i want to take with me on this road:trip so i live in kingston ontario which:is in canada obviously and i was driving:out to ottawa just to see some family:and for this trip i wanted to make sure:that i was going to have a phone that:had fantastic camera 

i could trust that the battery 

was going:to last because i was going to need to:use gps the whole time and something:that i could just:genuinely trust would work and doing the:whole youtube thing as we do here the:tech youtube specifically nobody can:really deny that i probably have a:myriad of phones that i can choose from:and you'd be right currently:in my possession in terms of like:premium devices:i've got the pixel  pro i have the:samsung galaxy s ultra and then i have:the phone that i chose:which is the iphone  pro max and i'm:going to tell you why now before we get:too too far into this i want you guys to:know that these are just my opinions:these are my use case scenarios that i'm:going to be discussing as to why i:decided to bring the iphone  pro max:why i feel like the iphone  pro max:might actually be the phone to beat 

even:seven months into its life cycle

 why do:i think that the iphone  pro max is:king yeah:this video might be a little polarizing:with that said i do encourage:constructive conversation in the:comments so i ain't gonna handle anybody:trashing one thing or another:every single device on market has its:pros and it has its cons but again these:are my opinions as to why the iphone :pro max is as strong as it is so what do:you say we just get into it yeah so the:first point of note of course is going:to be just the build of the device so:apple with the pro lineup they've been:doing it for a couple years now actually:something that i really really like and:i wish more manufacturers got into doing:was using stainless steel for the frame:of the phone and having the matte:textured glass on the back as opposed to:gloss not only that but we already know:the glass and the newer iphones is super:durable case or not you guys know i:don't typically use cases this thing is:going to survive i have already dropped 

this a couple of times and there's not 

a:single dent no scratch no nothing on:this phone it is it is super high:durable and i just:i mean:i hate:ted hated the way that this camera:looked when we first got these sort of:things i think it was with the iphone :lineup i was not a fan but in all:honesty it has kind of grown on me we:see builds from other phones where:they'll tend to use something like:aluminum for the frame or they'll have a:gloss glass back for the phone or you:know something:in that sort of realm and i mean don't:get me wrong aluminum is lighter and:cheaper:but it's also considerably less durable:i've had a few different phones that:have had aluminum rails for instance and:they've dropped from very very short:distances and they'll get dented they'll:get scratched they just they don't:really hold up and something similar can:be said about gloss glass finishes is:that they scratch super super easily:with my pixel  pro i just had it for:about a day or two and somehow the back 

already started getting scratched

 up:which was like crazy to me because it:didn't touch anything of course it:didn't touch anything hard it's just the:gloss the plug:no stop stop with that matte glass:please anyway i'm sorry i'm going off on:a tangent on there what do you say we:get to the second point and quite:frankly i already kind of hit the nail:on the head with that and those are all:the clips that you saw at the beginning:of this video those were all shot with:my iphone  pro max i told you guys i:wanted something that had a solid camera:for this road trip you can see it for:yourself right there those videos i shot:on the iphone  pro max using the app:called filmic pro and i made sure to:shoot them in log v actually log v or:s log  or whatever you want to call it:is actually the same thing that i'm:using with my sony a and then i just:color grade it after the fact and i:we're in the car and i'm thinking you:know what these are some pretty cool:shots i'm just gonna pull out the app:and away we went not to mention when i:first:launched my 

youtube channel i shot everything 

from:iphone there was a iphone  pro max:that i initially started with and then:up until i got this sony camera i was:using the camera on this iphone  pro:max to shoot all of my videos which was:kind of awkward when i was actually:trying to shoot an iphone  pro max:video i made it work and then i mean the:video aside:the photos we already know l

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