

[I Phone !# pro max]

hi everyone welcome back to my channel:in today's video i'm gonna be doing a:very exciting one and:i'm gonna be unboxing my new iphone :pro max now i'm just gonna do a little:disclaimer and just say excuse my voice:i have been so ill the past few days i:have had covered and yeah it's really:really hit me hard 

today's like the:first day that

 i've actually kind of:started feeling better i still feel:really like:my head is so like full still and:my sinuses are still blocked and my:voice i feel like my voice sounds really:weird:but um:but yeah so that is a little disclaimer:that is why i'm sounding a little bit:less like i normally do but either way i:am so excited to be doing this video:obviously i've had to sit here and do:this video for you because i know that:you all love my box openings and i love:doing them as well so satisfying to:watch so yeah i thought i'd come on and:do my iphone  pro max box opening for:you guys but yeah if you do enjoy this:video don't forget to give it a huge:thumbs up subscribe down below if you:haven't already make sure you go follow:me over on my social medias and without:further ado let's get on into unboxing:my new iphone so like i said:this is the iphone i chose i picked the:iphone  pro max in the sierra blue:color and i'm so happy this is the first:time that i've had the pro max of any:iphone like i've always wanted to get:the bigger phone but i just never have:when i got my iphone  i wanted to get

oh no actually it might

 have been the:iphone . i wanted to get the plus i:swear they used to call it plus rather:than like max i think that's what it was:correct me if i'm wrong but yeah i:wanted like the plus version when i had:like the iphone  or something um:but yeah so i jumped the gun this time:and i actually picked the: pro max and i'm so excited when they:had this color i was actually really:happy because i did want to choose:i would have loved for them to do this:purple color in the pro max and i would:have picked that like straight away but:this blue color is quite similar like:well obviously you can't really tell at:the minute but i've got the  at the:moment love this phone it's been my:favorite phone like that i've ever had:um i think this one may top it because:the cameras are meant to be insane which:i'm so excited to show you as well um:but yeah the cameras are meant to be:insane on this thing um they look huge:as well obviously my 's got two:cameras and this has got three love this:phone like so much so:this phone:has got a lot to like live up to but i:think it'll pass the test but yeah so 

this is my new iphone

 it comes in:obviously the slimmer box the little:iphone bit at the side there says iphone:in the sierra blue color if it's gonna:focus:rather than focus on my face there we go:it's in the sierra blue color there on:the side obviously there is the phone:and then also the apple logo on the side:is also in that sierra blue color which:is amazing also they are now cutting:back on like being:they want to be more environmentally:friendly so they've cut back the plastic:wrap that goes around these phones which:was really satisfying to obviously pull:off but at the same time it's good that:they're trying to save the environment:and things so we've got these little:tabs here:on each side let's open this baby up and:i can actually see it in person for the:first time i am so excited:hopefully it'll be like a little bit of:asmr for you um:it may not be as satisfying as the:plastic wrap but here we go:one that was really easy:there's two:now let's turn it over and open it oh my:god i'm so excited to see this stone:oh my god:oh it's so beautiful wow them cameras:are absolutely:huge:like they are huge so here is what it:looks like in the box:how:gorgeous:is this phone i'm sorry oh gosh nearly 

dropped it i'm sorry but

 this:phone:wow:insane:it is so big as well wow it is massive i:love the new what they've done on the:sides as well the only thing about the:sides:because they're chrome like your:fingerprints show up so much but i love:it like well i don't like the:fingerprints showing up on that so much:but i mean i love the way it looks:like how beautiful it keeps focusing:like in the background:how beautiful is the chrome sides of:the iphone:just amazing:wow i really don't want to drop this:phone:but:it's just insane:i actually can't get over it let's take:it out:so here she is wow:she's so big she's so big:oh my god let's do a um size comparison:let me get my iphone  and we'll do a:side-by-side size comparison so here is:my iphone :and here is my new beautiful iphone .:yeah wow look how much bigger and i'm:sorry but look 

how much bigger those cameras

 are:that is insane:wow:i think they're bigger than the :cameras as well i think they've made the:cameras like super big:but the cameras are meant to be like the:most like amazing quality so:on the new iphones as well i think this:counts for the :and:the um  and  pro max um they are:obviously square like the iphone: used to be i think i said that in my::iphone box emily because i bought opened:sam's phone:on my channel um and that was the first:time i think they'd:read like design the phones from being:like rounded edges to like square edges:again um and to be honest i wasn't keen:like i love the round edges but because:this phone is so beautiful like:i'm happy it's fine i'm absolutely happy:with it now like they brought this color:out and this color:insane like honestly it's like a frosted:like color as well whereas like this is:like a creamy shiny color and this is:like a can you see that it's like:frosted matte:and also the apple is mirrored whereas:this one's actually like the blue apple:but yeah i can't get over them cameras:look at how big them cameras are:um but yeah so that is the phone 

comparison from the iphone  and the 

iphone  pro max:wow:insane yeah there is fingerprints on the:side already um that's just inevitable:because obviously the edges are chrome:and mirrored so it's gonna get:fingerprints on hence why i have bought:a um phone case already for it because:yeah i just needed to i needed to buy a:phone case and a screen protector for it:already because:just can't trust myself like literally:can't especially with it being a bigger:phone as well um definitely contrast:myself with it so yeah i um i'm gonna:pop this down:and i will show you what you get in the:box so obviously because they are:cutting back you don't get the um:the power brick anymore with the iphone:you literally just get your power lead i:don't need to use this power lead yet:because i have still got my:one that i use for my iphone  now and:i can just continue to use that and so:yeah i don't need that and then:so that's that's what comes there:um and then you also get this little:slip which has got the little sim card:ejector thing in there the:terms and conditions and instructions i:think and then obviously your little:sticker:which is useless to me because i never:ever use that sticker i think Ai used to:when um:when i was younger i used to like stick 

them all over my like:my computer

 my old computer that wasn't:an apple computer but i pretended that:it was an apple computer because i stuck:the sticker on it:um but yeah so that is all you get in:the box now um not really a lot they:have cut down like fully because i swear:they well they used to send um:like headphones and a power brick and:obviously the lead and instructions and:things didn't they before um yeah i wish:you still got headphones that would be:cool if they still sent headphones um:but yeah unfortunately they don't but:yeah that is the little oh my gosh i:keep dropping:keep dropping that:but yeah that is the smaller box:obviously:um:so yeah that's what comes in the box now:i'm going to show you what i picked up:from amazon and like i say i:when i ordered my phone i:ordered a screen protector and a phone:case straight away because i just can't:trust myself um i just i just needed to:so yeah i ordered those straight away:from amazon these actually came before:my phone so i ordered a tempered glass:screen protector glass screen protectors:are the best like they're they just:protect like obviously they protect from:scratches and when you drop your phone:like that takes the hit rather than your:actual phone screen they're just so much:better so i picked these ones i think 

they were only like six pounds 

something:on amazon and actually these came with:the camera:protector as well because the cameras:are so big on these and then i also:picked up this case which is a silicone:case it just looks like so so it's just:the really cute blue color and it's like:the siliconey:material and really nice it's like got:the:soft:lining in there so then it doesn't:scratch your phone obviously when you're:putting it in and taking it out and yeah:just a plain little blue one hoping to:like this was just a quick like order:just so then it could be here in time:and:when i:now that i've seen the phone obviously i:can get a different case and whatever i:want i think i want to personalize one:like maybe a clear one like i had for my:iphone  like this so it's just like a:clear and then it has like my name on it:i love ones like this because you can:still see the color of the phone i:really like that but i do like this as:well it feels really nice and soft and:yeah i will definitely keep it protected 

from when i drop

 it um but yeah so i:think i'm gonna:before i turn it on and everything i'm:gonna put the screen protector on so:then:we're safe and the screen protector is:on and everything and then we can get to:like turning the phone on and:transferring my data from my iphone to:my new phone but before we do that let's:do the other satisfying thing which is:peeling this off:so let's go:very satisfying there is the phone:clean and pristine like so so clean with:no fingerprints:it's got a little bit of dust on it:right now:it's just amazing i'm so in love already:can't wait to turn it on but yeah let's:get the screen protector on so then it's:protected and we can pop it in the phone:case as well:[Music]:i still need to recover from my another:lover

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