
iPhone 13 vs iPhone 12 vs iPhone 11 | Camera Test

 :hi guys irina here and welcome back to:my channel where i review everything:tech in today's camera test let's compare three consecutive 

iphone models:starting

from  the iphone  the:iphone  and the iphone .:and in this camera comparison we'll take:a look at some random daylight photos:night shots portrait selfies and so much:more and at the end of this video i'll:test the cyberset video quality and:stabilization let's quickly go over the:camera specs of these phones and here:you wouldn't see much of a difference:all of these phones have dual :megapixel cameras and the same averages:except for the main camera on the iphone: which has a slightly smaller aperture:of . it's important to note that the:iphone  has the biggest sensor on its:main camera but let's not forget that:the hardware is not the only important:aspect of producing great photos so:let's see how it all translates to the:real world photos and as usual let's:start with the portrait mode it's:important to note that we don't have:telephoto cameras on these phones so all

of these iphones use their main

 cameras:for taking portraits and right away i'll:say that we get very similar portraits:from these phones but:the thing that catches my eye is that my:face is better exposed in the photo from:the iphone . when it comes to:separation from the background all of:these phones sometimes have some flaws:in their portraits and we see that even:on the new iphone :and a few more photos taken in the:portrait mode for you guys:[Music]:next let's take a look at some random:daylight photos:and if you ask me i think there is a:very little difference between these:photos especially when it comes to the:iphone

  and the iphone . sometimes:the photos from the

 iphone  look a bit:less vibrant but other than that all of:these phones produce amazing shots:[Music]:[Applause]:moving on to the ultrawide photos all of:these iphones have a  degree field of:view on their ultra white cameras so:they're equal in terms of how much you:could fit into the frame:i've noticed that the ultrawide photos:from the iphone  and the iphone :sometimes appear slightly more vibrant:and crisp but that difference is not:dramatic:however the difference becomes more:dramatic when it gets darker and as you:can see the iphone  and the iphone :produce slightly brighter and most:importantly sharper looking photos yes:unfortunately we still get some noise:here at the corners of the photos and:it's more noticeable on the shots from:the iphone  and the iphone  but:still overall these photos look sharper:than the one from the iphone .:and in the next three photos we have:pretty much the same situation in terms:of exposure and sharpness by the way:this is not the first time when i:noticed that the iphone  is the one:that produces the brightest photo:between these three and not the new:iphone  and that's interesting:we'll talk about the knight ultrawide 

photos later in this video but now

 let's:talk about zoomed photos:neither of these phones have a telephoto:camera so these iphones have to rely on:the digital zoom the maximum zoom for:these iphones is five times and i don't:think we have a winner here since all of:these phones produce pretty much the:same photos in terms of how sharp they:are:and i'll be honest with you guys these:are not the best results since an iphone:with a telephoto camera would be able to:produce a much sharper photo here:especially when it comes to three times:or greater zoom:[Music]:now let's switch to the front cameras of:these phones we have  megapixel:cameras with averages of . on all of:these iphones and let's take a look at:some selfies:to me they look pretty much the same:when it comes to how sharp they are but:speaking of colors i would say the:iphone  produces the most natural and:real looking colors while the fn :tends to produce warmer looking selfies:when compared to the other two:and here the iphone  has an advantage:of having this photographic styles:feature that lets you change the tone:and warmth preserving your skin tone of:course your skin tone slightly changes:as well to match the overall photo but:it's not like with the filters where you:could get unexpected results when it 

comes to your skin tone let's

 look at:some daylight selfie videos first of all:the stabilization is amazing on all of:these front cameras i think the sky:looks the best in the video from the:iphone  while at times it looks blown:out in the video from the iphone .:however speaking of the overall colors i:think the iphone  is once again the:best in terms of showing the real colors:of my skin and my hair:and let's take a look at some nice:selfie videos and you can judge them for:yourself:[Music]:now let's talk about the photos taken in:very low light all of these phones have:the night mode on their main cameras and:while these shots could be slightly:different in terms of exposure and:colors they look pretty much the same to:me when it comes to how sharp they are:speaking of the night mode on the:ultrawide camera the iphone  is the:only phone that doesn't have it so you:would get much better results with the 

iphone  and the iphone 

as you probably already know guys the:night mode on an iphone is automatic and:when i was doing this camera test i:noticed that oftentimes whenever the:iphone  and the iphone  enabled the:night mode the iphone  did not:probably because of a larger sensor on:the main camera and as you can see i:still got pretty good night shots on the:iphone  but:i have the same situation when i was:taking nighttime

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