Hi friends Today in GSM Communication
iPhone XS Max:we will replace the broken rear window.:As you can see, the iPhone XS Max glass is broken.:One:We have an iPhone.:With our master and Hasan brother:we'll do a rear window replacement, guys.:As you see:the glass is shattered.:Laser here too:we have a laser device.:And we will do this back cover replacement all together.:The new back cover is here.:We will assemble this cover.:But first we need to remove the broken back cover from here.:And we do this with the laser machine:we will also show how to do it comfortably.:We will also show how.:We will do it all together.:Yes. We have now left our phone.:All together:
we will replace the rear glass
cover friends.:Now to our laser machine:our template we have prepared before.:Look, as you can see here:black parts:The parts that the laser will interfere.:The laser will burn these parts.:The parts that are white are:device with important components:parts with important parts.:Here is the camera part of the charging part at the bottom:wireless charging feature in the middle here:Parts of the piece.:It will not interfere with these parts.:It will cut the black parts.:Yes, it will only cut those black parts.:It won't interfere with the white parts.:Yes. Our machine will make a cut in this way.:To operate our machine:we have focus button.:With this focus button:self-align it automatically.:Yes, he's currently drawing the template here.:Right now he will set him up automatically.:Yes. We are currently starting the machine.:Let's turn off the lights. It will look more beautiful.:At least we will see the part cut in this way more clearly.:Now this will not be clearly visible in the light.:See, the laser cuts from that part of the previous template.:Yes. It cuts according to the template it has drawn.
Now it comes towards the middle
part. Now look here a little further.:To avoid damaging the wireless charging place.:Of course yes.:It has come to the middle now.:It is currently cutting thin places.:Yes, he is burning the paint right now.:Yes, it consists of stages.:Firstly the adhesive on that back cover:firstly paint and remove:later:its located there:adhesive:will also disassemble it.:In the first stage, we will paint the cover.:Then the cover:we will do the disassembly.:Then we will remove the paint sticky from here.:The tool draws fine.:Just like this millimeter.:It cuts. Yes, it makes a millimeter cut.:Earlier. Before this laser machine exits:naturally manual:we were doing it manually. It is much more practical now.:Both without the need to warm up the phone, without heating:directly on the phone:rear glass cover can be changed.:Of course, this was very difficult to do with old technology.:A force had to be applied to remove that cover from there.:Now you can do this very easily with laser:we can get this cover.:Now when we look at it when it breaks in the cover:APPLE does not change the cover of this device in any way.:It makes direct changes to the device.:So people because of a cover:complete device has to replace.:However, the cover of the device is like this:it can be changed very easily.:And it happens in a beautiful way.:Now the transactions are over.:With laser cutting:paint on the back cover of the device:we bought a laser from there.:Now it's a -step process. You see the inside of the phone has become transparent.
Yes. He took the paint there completely
In the second stage:We will get this cover from here.:then the adhesive that is under this cover:it is also very difficult to disassemble.:We will take it again with a laser.:The template we use in it is different. We will show it too.:Let's remove the back cover, now we are from here.:Yes friends now:After the back cover paint was removed, we removed that glass piece.:We removed the glass cover from the back.:Currently iPhone XS Max:Of course, we removed this glass cover manually, let's report it.:Of course after removing this paint with laser:we were able to remove the cover very easily from there.:Now look where the laser touches:Let us show you where it does not touch.:This middle part:apparatus part of the device with wireless charging feature:the laser did not interfere here anyway.:There is also the video we showed in the first cut.:Let's show the camera part of the device.:Look, your laser is here:it does not interfere with the camera in any way.:Other than that, on the side of the device:There's a mute vibration key.:There is no way there.:They have microphones at the bottom.:There is also a buzzer here.:He does not intervene here in any way.:These were already marked in the template.:Direct machine like this:take the paint off the back cover:it provided us with a comfortable removal of the cover.:Now look at the second stage here:there is a piece of adhesive that is again:very difficult to disassemble in a normal manual way:because:again in the second stage:we're going to get the paint here.:We will take the adhesive with laser.
Now where the laser will touch
where to cut now in the template here:where to intervene:which side will take your adhesive:we will arrange it.:In the template we have prepared before:is drawing a template right now:according to the data in the template:behind the phone:shows where the laser will interfere.:We will remove the adhesive on the back right now.:Of course. Adhesive on the back of the device:we will remove it from here by laser.:Now, this is not a very smooth process with the normal scraping method.:In this way, it gets much cleaner and beautiful. Lets start.:Yes, he is currently setting his own template.:We are starting now.:Yes, he is burning his paint right now.:It burns the adhesive stuck on it like this.:Ok let's turn the lights on.:Yes, as you can see, it burns the paint:It shines.:Coming up to NFC:Coming up to wireless charging:setting it from its own edges.:It does not interfere in any way.:It has no effect on it in any way.:Such milim is adjusting milim. Of course.:How beautiful it is.:Camera locations or something automatically:What are the benefits of doing this in this way.:First of all, when you cut it with a laser,:those metal parts on the back of the device:no coercion in any way:or any way strain:There is no such transaction.:As you have seen, laser:its automatically up to those fine sensitive points:cuts in a very detailed way.:Yes, now:we will clean it beautifully.:There's dust on it.:Of course, that paint and sticky disappeared from there.:We clean it beautifully:assembly of the cover after that:we will proceed to the pasting stage.:Get my master phone. Take the phone.
Yes as you can see now with laser
the adhesive we removed:It is easily dismantled as it has seen.:We can take it easily even with our hands.:This was very difficult in the old system before.:It is very difficult to get it from here.:Now, as long as this is here, it's impossible to stick to it with a cap.:It would be a very bad process.:Now we can easily disassemble it by hand here.:Ok now let's clean it up nicely.:After that, let's paste the new cap. Let's assemble the cover.:Yes now too:we are coming to the last stage.:As you see:We made the back part clean. We deleted.:Brilliantly:gleamingly:our safe has appeared.:Yes. We bought the paint from there. We got your sticky.:End now:the remaining adhesive there is also beautiful:we will clean it with the help of alcohol.:Okey now:With B adhesive:we will assemble the back cover.:Friends, especially when applying this adhesive:section with cameras:then the section with the microphone and the speaker:we need to pay particular attention to these sections.:Let's not apply the adhesive there.:Especially the camera:What was here. Vibration key:microphones after that:Don't get sticky inside speakers and other places.:Yeah right now:Finally, we stick the new glass.:Finally, we attach the vices.:Pressure him:required there to be firmly bonded.:By the way, inside the vices:plastic as you can see.:Plastic vices.:It does not damage the phone.:In a balanced way:it needs to be stuck in a balanced way.:Yes friends as you see:iPhone XS Max:iPhone XS Max:rear window cover replacement:It was realized successfully.:Said. Cevri is my master.:As you can see, we also attached the vices.:We will remove these vices after - hours stop.:And our phone:will be ready.:It will be available.:Thank you also to our master.:I thank my brother Hasan.:I thank my brother Hasan.:For watching:our subscribers also:Thank you very much.