
samsung galaxy s22


user ever since the:iphone  and now i own an iphone  pro:max which i love because it finally has:the  hertz promotion display which:works very well while also having pretty:much the best battery life that you can:get on any flagship phone however:samsung just released their galaxy s:ultra and i've been playing around

 with it for over a week now

 and i've gotta:say that i'm pretty impressed but at the:same time there are a couple of things:that i'm disappointed about so in this:video i'm gonna talk about my experience:with the s ultra over the past week:including both the pros and the cons:because yes this phone is definitely not:perfect but before i get into that let's:talk about the differences in design:first of all i absolutely love the:design of the s ultra compared to the:old s ultra which i absolutely:couldn't stand because first of all you:got this massive metal brick:of a camera bump that's basically welded:to the side i can't stand it it's just:so chunky and now:this new design with the separated:camera bumps and the contrast especially:with this new white finish this looks:absolutely amazing and it destroys the:old design it just looks so good and:comparing it to the current iphone :pro max design first of all i have a:leather skin from nomad i love this skin:but i'd honestly say that this new:design of the s ultra basically beats:out the iphone because honestly i'm:getting kind of bored of this look in:this design and this just looks so clean:to me and now i do want to mention that:the s ultra was the first s series to:get s pen support but what really:annoyed me was that you had to carry the:s pen outside of the s ultra because:it didn't have any slot for the s pen 

like the new s ultra does thankfully 

because it's basically built with the:same note design as the note  ultra:it's basically the same thing rebranded:as an s and i honestly do not mind:because i love this design and i love:that you get to store the s pen inside:of the actual phone itself and now:another thing that i really like about:this s ultra is that this year samsung:completely differentiated it from the:lower end s and s plus so now you:actually get a different design and:better design with the ultra model:compared to previous years where they:all basically look the same and there:wasn't really a good reason to pay for:the ultra and compared to the iphone:another thing i really like about it is:that you have those rounded edges on the:sides so it fits into your palm nicely:and even though it's basically a bigger:phone than the iphone it seems to fit:better than the  pro max which has:these flat sides so it kind of digs into:your palm a little bit and it feels:thicker feels kind of like a brick:compared to this nice and smooth s:ultra and then of course it has the:single camera hole punch which looks:incredibly clean and so much better than:the notch even though the  pro max got:a smaller notch this just looks miles:better and i know that we have rumors:for the next iphone  pro coming with:that new dual pill shaped plus cutout 

design so i'm really excited

 for that:but even with that dual design i think:the single camera cutout is still more:clean but of course this doesn't have:any kind of special face id system or:anything like that which the iphone has:and it works incredibly well so i'm:gonna give apple a break here because:face id i'd say is still better than the:under display touch id on the s ultra:even though this is faster than previous:years you literally can't beat face id:because it now supports masks so there's:literally no drawback to face id and i:think it is miles better than any kind:of under display fingerprint scanner and:now with the design out of the way and:before i get into the performance i want:to talk about some of the quality of:life features that are really important:to me like for example the speakers i am:completely disappointed in these:speakers because the ones on the iphone:sound better in pretty much every way:they're louder they have sharper and:higher highs they have much more bass:and the overall sound stage is basically:wider sounds so much better and i know:you guys didn't believe us when we

showed you in our hands-on

 comparison so:we ended up comparing the s ultra to:both the old s ultra and the note :ultra all of them with dolby atmos:turned on and yes we proved that both of:those phones actually sound better than:the new s ultra which is really weird:and it makes no sense at all but that's:the reality and our theory for this is:that the s ultra has basically the:same chassis design as the note  ultra:but it packs a larger   milliamp:hour battery compared to  which:obviously cuts down on the internal:space so maybe samsung had to make the:speaker enclosures a little bit smaller:to fit in the larger battery but either:way i am disappointed in the speakers:now in terms of the display samsung made:some massive claims saying that the:display can go up to  nits which is:very impressive compared to the iphone's: nits however when we started:testing it and comparing it to the:iphone we started noticing some issues:first of all after turning on the extra:brightness setting turning off adaptive:brightness and manually adjusting both:the s ultra and the iphone to maximum:brightness they ended up looking:basically the same but then i came:across a photo that golden reviewer:posted on twitter showing that the s:was actually brighter so we ended up:running some tests and we discovered:that if both phones are on a white page:similar to google's homepage they're:basically the same in terms of:brightness but when 

you switch over to something

 that has much less white on:the display the s ultra does in fact:get brighter than the iphone so what:this tells us is that samsung dims down:the display depending on how much white:is on the screen to help save battery:life and just to confirm that this is:true we ran an oled abl test which:cycles between small and large white:boxes and as you can see when the box:gets smaller the s ultra's display:gets significantly brighter compared to:the iphone which stays basically flat in:terms of brightness no matter how big:the white box is and then when the box:gets larger the samsung dims down close:to around as bright as the iphone and:then when you go to the full white page:like we did earlier you can see that in:this case the iphone was actually a:little bit brighter and just to make:these completely fair we compared the:s ultra to both the s ultra and the:note  ultra outside in bright daylight:with adaptive brightness on and to our:surprise the s ultra wasn't any:brighter at all no matter what we tried:making sure that all the settings were:turned on so because of that we opened:up an hdr video within youtube where it:definitely should have shined and it:looked the worst out of all three phones:by far which made no sense at all and:yes it was also worse than the iphone :pro max so i'm not sure if there's some kind of

 software issue going on that 

samsung needs to fix but it's a bit:disappointing compared to what samsung:led us to believe with the whole :nit brightness claim now moving forward:a couple of other things were a bit:disappointing even though samsung didn't:necessarily make any big claims like:they did with the brightness but when we:compared the g speeds of the new s:ultra to the older phones unfortunately:within our concrete office building the:older s ultra performed better getting:almost two times faster download speeds:than the s ultra and then when we went:outside on the roof the old s ultra:was consistently giving us higher upload:speeds than the new one which is also a:bit weird so maybe there's a chance that:samsung's trying to give this thing:better battery life by maybe tuning down:the power of the g antenna i'm not sure:but i expected to get the best:performance with this thing and we:didn't and then speaking of battery life:while we didn't do a battery drain test:ourselves mr who's the boss did and he:concluded that the new s ultra:actually got worse battery life than the:old s ultra which doesn't make any:sense at all because the new one has a:bit less resolution it comes with a new 

more efficient four nanometer

 chip which:they advertised as well as the new:display that can go down to one hertz:refresh rate instead of  hertz on the:old model so there's no excuse for:having a decrease in battery life with:the new model so i went back to mr who:is the boss's previous iphone battery:drain test and apparently the regular:. inch iphone  pro gets better:battery life than the new s ultra with:the  pro max model that i have:absolutely destroying it by over two:hours and once again let me remind you:that this comes with the newest :nanometer snapdragon  gen  chip:compared to apple's  nanometer a:bionic so it should technically be more:efficient but it's not and now moving:over to the actual performance the:overall snappiness of the ultra is great:but i did have some issues in terms of:high performance gaming when playing:gentian impact at maxed out settings the:s ultra seems to run at a lower frame:rate compared to the iphone which was:confirmed by golden reviewer on youtube:who tracked the fps on both phones over:a  minute gaming session showing that:the iphone averaged at . fps almost:perfect while the s ultra ran at .:almost two times lower now in my:personal experience the iphone still has:a bit of a display dimming issue if your:brightness is set to  or higher so the:s ultra has the advantage there:because of the better cooling system now:in many of the other common games that:aren't as demanding like car mobile it:ran just fine with no issues at all:given you a great gaming experience but 

the biggest problem that 

i had that:really disappointed me was that within a:lot of my favorite games like league of:legends wild rift and pokemon unite you:are not able to go up to  fps:on the s ultra which is a big deal if:you want to stay competitive and this:really sucks because the iphone  pro:max can run at basically perfect  fps:and both of those games with no issues:while the samsung couldn't even run at a:solid fps in pokemon unite which was:really weird and of course looking at:the benchmarks the iphone destroys the:samsung in basically every way which is:pretty unfortunate but the final saving:grace of the s ultra is the new camera:updates and to be honest samsung:absolutely nailed it this year with very:clear improvements and i know this for:sure because we made an unbiased blind 

camera comparison against the

 new iphone: pro where max took photos with his:family on both of these phones and our:main editor angelica and i voted for:which photos we like the best and in my:case the samsung easily won the test:while angelica got a tie:and then we compared the s ultra to:both the note  ultra and the s ultra:and it was a massive win for the new:model making it clear that samsung:killed it in terms of the cameras but:all in all i think samsung has created:the best flagship smartphone that:they've made in years especially in:terms of the design and camera quality:but i'm still a bit disappointed about a:few of the features like the display:brightness claims the lackluster speaker:quality and the upsetting gaming:performance and in terms of how it:compares to the iphone i think they're:just about neck and neck considering the:fact that the s ultra is more:expensive so i honestly wouldn't

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