
SMALLEST iPhone 11

 hey guys welcome today I have another pic for you guys 

and today I'm going to be unboxing the:smallest iPhone ever and not only am I:going to be unboxing the smallest like:whenever I'm going to be using the small:is back whenever for  hours so pretty much Ivan has to ditch my:beautiful iPhone or this small iPhone:that I don't even know if it works properly so this should be a fun:experience  hours no boat:so you till the end of the video to find:out who won this iPhone okay here I have:it this month iPhone in new world okay:not the world but like you know I got it:off of an Amazon and I have no idea how:this is gonna work so let's open it:very fresh you know what is this I mean:it's no Apple box:but hey worth the try maybe some Apple:stickers in here yep looks like a:charger and then of course the mini:phone oh okay so we're gonna put the:phone to this side and then this is a:target hopefully I have to use my phone:while it's charging because that's gonna:be kind of impossible when it be like:and then in here you instructional is it:comes the main great protector oh my god:that is so freaking adorable whale and:then of course like this ginormous:tablet of instructions:yeah I'm not reading this okay you know:what let's just get straight into the:mini phone yeah so here it is Simonne:iPhone dude this is absolutely insane it:feels like a metal like a nice little:piece of metal I'm gonna 

go ahead and like heal off the plastic 

you know oh:nice okay so here is the iPhone literally it's like a mini iPhone  as:you can see with a little tiny camera:I'm curious to see what this camera:looks like no I'm gonna go charge my:mini phone it's actually charging okay:so it works if you guys can see this:okay so it's been about an hour and my:phone is on oh my gosh this is what it:looks like it's already getting warm:like it's about to overheat so falling:for the next  hours:this is the mini phone no SIM card in it:so I'm gonna go ahead and put my sim:card in this as well so hopefully I can:like actually you know send texts and:stuff okay so it functions pretty well:it's go to settings scott Wi-Fi:bluetooth all the good stuff i don't:think i'm:missing anything really it's got the:phone messages calculator music play:store okay so I'm connecting it to the:Wi-Fi right now and the keyboard is so:freakin small okay so I'm taking the SIM:card out right now because I'm going to:need a phone I'm so excited for this:besides my salmon let's test out the:camera we live testing out cameras:there's a beauty filter okay:flip the camera dude I can take a selfie:on this thing this is so great deed I'm:not sacrificing anything I can still:take selfies okay I could even record a:video I'm gonna record a video what's up:guys I'm recording on my new k phone:I'm so surprised this has a front and:back camera and it doesn't look too bad:oh my god can you see that it just not:looked at that but my new phone is like:better than my phone I already had this:is literally the best phone at Birds I:can take pictures and videos so I'm not:gonna be missing doing that I want to 

see if I can download Instagram on this 

little baby device as long as I can call:someone on this I could get rid of my:phone already Becca I'm on a mini phone:I want a mini phone say hello to the:camera okay that's so cool so this is my:new phone for the next  hours okay bye:I think this is gonna be the easiest :hours of my life:it's official I can make calls on this:so it's pretty much usable so I'm going:to have to be using this for  hours:which is actually insane because this:thing was like  bucks so it's:currently  on March th so that:means I will not be able to use this:phone until tomorrow at ::take this trusty box put my phone:putting my phone in the box okay guys:it's official do not open it till March:th  p.m. so now I'm gonna go ahead:and get living and I will just update:you guys if I run into any problems with:my new phone:[Music]:about five minutes into the challenge:and I'm already dying what's the purpose:in life if I don't have that dies in:five minutes:bin amount like  minutes and I'm:wondering if this thing will ever show:as charged it's literally just dead and:I'm having trouble typing so little I'm:trying to this Google Play what do you:think of my new phone debt from Amazon:can you even hear anything yes it was:very good I can still take selfies hello:okay so I'm currently just bored so I:thought I would text my friends and see:if he gets it and see if your spawn so:far so good I'm downloading 

Instagram and snapchat right now look Instagram 

just popped up look at that looks like:we got this going after all don't eat so:pretty much I think things are going:pretty well right now I I'm gonna try to:scroll on Instagram kind of have some:fun entertain myself for a little bit:cuz I'm kind of bored I've been using it:literally for like  minutes it's dead:or it so my phone's been charging for:about an hour and a half and it's only:at I don't know if you can see but it's:all like % so I'm gonna go ahead and:check if this trams done downloading cuz:we were literally on the verge of using:Instagram before it's died:I now have Instagram snapchat and Endora:what about her this is amazing start to:my day texting on this thing is a real:hassle but you know what I'm gonna go:ahead and download some YouTube because:I'm really bored I run into a small:problem I don't have emojis I don't have:any emojis like there's no emojis on the:keyboard I've been like on Instagram:I've been 

like texting my friends it takes a little

 bit longer than usual and:my friends call me and they hurt me at:first but now they're like not hearing:me but so far I've been like living my:life like usual except the fact that it:dies a lot but because this is a  hour:challenge baby and fuses for  hours:I'm not gonna use my normal phone and:committed I taped up my phone in a ball:I've been doing this for  hours:for yeah it's the pregnancy it was that:like the microphone you know right it's:already broken:I know you couldn't forget hear me when:I was calling you don't worry about that:it's a good three inch boat so it's:currently  about nine hours into the:challenge and it's nighttime now and:honestly I'm so bored like normally I:would go on my phone:check my feet do all that fun stuff but:with my small phone today and has to:charge so it's like I ain't got nothing:to do but the good point is that at:least I won't stay up super late:hopefully I wake up tomorrow I don't:have an alarm but I don't know what time:to wake up:hopefully the day will be a little bit:easier tomorrow because by now not:having a phone a real phone sex oh do:you guys in the morning:okay just woke up and I went to go grab:my phone at % going and strive for a:little bit you know I mean start the:date cuz know I stopped my DNA strands 

show I was on Instagram and just shut 

off so well I guess okay so I charge:this thing all night and it said it had:a hundred percent but now every time I'm:using it it just keeps like dying on me:cuz it's dead I don't understand it:literally just said it was a hundred:percent what the Freak bro my god it:just keeps turning off I really just:want to get my normal phone back like I:feel like I have learned a valuable:lesson during all this don't take your:phone for granted it's nine-thirty:currently  hours into death challenge:and I'm almost done: hours which is a really long time for:this crappy phone I keep using it and:like texting my friends cuz the only way:I can text my friends that's all I have:right now hopefully it won't shut off:like during my workout cuz I'm gonna:have to play music on this thing I have:to go pick up my friend and I don't even:know what this thing has GPS and first:of all I don't know who's gonna last the:ride so I might just be stranded:somewhere with no instruction no phone:it's probably not smart Cydia but we're:gonna do it anyway ok so I tried to:connect Google Maps like me at least:like go somewhere but I forgot that once:I leave my house I will not be able to:connect to Wi-Fi so I'm just gonna go:ahead and try to drive:No okay guys I'm currently driving:around and I don't really know where I:am literally have no GPS so I'm kind of:just like driving around hoping I'll:find the right way to go because I'm so:lost okay no I know where I'm at is this:it yes I got it bro so there was

 music:play in the background so I don't wanna 

get copyrighted but pretty much I'll:watch an ab workout on my phone and I'll:fall along that when I need to do ABS so:it was kind of hard this time cuz I had:to watch it on this little tiny phone so:it was quite an experience trying to:watch it now but we're made ab workout:and it shut off its shut off I'm so sad:he's happy hey hello is this P oh sorry:I don't have a contact on this phone two:hours left of this challenge and I'm so:excited:hello dude this phone keeps hanging up:itself it is so annoying I'm can't wait:I have two more hours of this challenge:and I can break and get my phone back:I think the best thing about this:challenge is when my phone's dead I get:things done a lot easier like I don't:have a distraction because I don't:really have a choice because my phone's:like non-functioning so I have time to:do other things that are like better for:me you know guys it's an hour before I:get my phone back okay so it is:currently  or  minutes till I can:get my phone back it's funny jokes my:friends went through this challenge with:me because I'm literally like talking my:friends like hello hello hey so it's my:friends went through this challenge with:me they're like just get your phone back:like they are dying too so I have :minutes of my computer's dead so I can't:really go on that my phone probably:school through Instagram for a little:bit until I can finally take out labels:I'm saying I'll take you guys when I can:finally oh boy:this is it guys it is now   minutes:before I can open my phone I really:enjoy that this experiment as hard as it 

was sometimes not to go grab my phone 

we did it:I proved victorious against the mini:tiny phone this I think the hardest part:of this challenge was just how often it:shut off on me sometimes like you didn't:stay consistent but it was honestly:better than just having no phone because:I could still send text I could still:call people I couldn't get any:directions so I literally got lost by:myself with no communication whatsoever:so honestly I would have to write this:phone in a solid  minute any does work:pretty good I got to listen to music in:the shower with it I got to answer texts:I got to call people this experience was:super fun but now it's time to get my:phone back I got  minutes do not open:until  p.m. fully sealed so no you:guys think that I cheating I should not:be this excited but having a regular:phone it's gonna be so fun there was:some times my friends were like bro just:go get your phone because I'll be I'll:make phone call with them and I couldn't:hear them it's like Christmas morning oh:my god I've missed you:[I phone ]:the screen theme so big to me right now:it is so big compared to this little:tiny phone I still cannot believe I've:been using this tiny phone for

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