
unboxing i phone 11

 hey guys welcome

back to my channel today I have another video for you guys:and today I bought a crap ton of iPhone:cases for my new iPhone  from wish so:I always buy my iPhone cases from wish:just for video purposes but now that I:have a new iPhone I need a bunch of new:cases and I may or may not have:accidentally ordered the same exact:cases twice there is easily  packets:here so let's get opening first package:ok so firstly I order it has little:hearts in it if you can see super cute:super cute I love clear cases and:especially with the new iPhone a loving:it looks so pretty:you can like oh my god this looks so:good what look how pretty it looks with:the new iPhone color like mmm that looks:so pretty I give this one a solid:connection next iPhone case I'm not:going to spend too long talking about:each I phone case because literally I:have so many others ok so this next oh:this is ugly oh this is ugly I'm already:gonna tell you that oh my god it looks:so bad it looks nothing like the picture:but I'll try it on oh my god that is you:can't even tell what supposed to be it:just looks like a little like printed on:it you can't really see through the:video but pretty much it printed it:doesn't look good:I guess what a fat to it again cuz it:just it looks so cheap I hate when the:companies sell the iPhone case as is:really pretty like Marvel's like phone:case and then it's

 just like a printed on picture oh this

 looks cute it's cute:cute cute this next one is just a plain:pink case but it's like a pretty like:soft material and it's got a heart on it:I really like this one I feel like I:could definitely see myself wearing this:one just because it's this really pretty:color this pink color and it's super:soft and it's really easy to put on and:take off wow I like this one it looks so:pretty:I swear at love home cases I love this:one I guess one solid can attend the:material feels good it looks super:pretty on and I:definitely in the contenders for one:that I might wear next one okay this one:is super similar I swear I ordered like: cases and I'm pretty sure I:accidentally bought the same ones okay:so this next one looks almost exactly:like the other one but it is like a:metallic e-tec thing which is cute oh my:god I love this one I know this one oh:my god oh my gosh that is so pretty I:love the colors and it has like a:metallic e all the way around and around:here and it has this pretty peach color:with a little heart oh my god this is so:pretty:I might have to wear this one and like I:love the way like the pinkies kind of:match like the pink for the phone and:the pink this your kind of match

I give that phone case a  out of  of 

 course next case oh my god this next one:I ordered my name is like a joke but:also you never know I might like it it:is a literally a mirror phone case and:you guys see yourselves so I saw this:one and I thought it was kind of cool:because like if you want to make sure:you look okay you got the mirror on the:back at home it's one of those cheesy:mirrors where you're like distorted your:face is like oh it doesn't fit properly:either oh I'm stupid no wonder it's for:a freaking up iPhone like I love it or:something like though I've only loved in:not the max okay well that sucks I:ordered the wrong size what oh it's not:that distort it when it's on right it's:a pretty cool case oh I shattered it:it's a pretty cool case but it seems:like it would get really dirty because:you're just like touching it and:touching it and touching me and your:phone oh hold on what are you saying I'm:not the biggest fan of this one I feel:like everyone would just be trying to:look at you in themselves I'll pass:I don't remember ordering this but okay:so this one is a clear phone case and it:comes to pop stocking on it a little:heart pop socket I see you I see you and:I think I ordered it in the gold so it 

would match my phone 

so hopefully this looks cute okay look:how pretty that looks so pretty like cuz:this is like a goal it's my phone and:then this there's like little gold:pieces in there oh my god you guys not:like this I liked it I think this is a: a  right:that looks so pretty I really like it:and then the little glitters are like:holographic in it too well ok I really:like this one I give it a  out of :it has a pop socket on it and the pop:socket feels like good quality too so:it's like you don't need okay I really:like this one can edit in from me next:one oh my god I could already tell I'm:gonna love this one:okay so this one my friends is an iPhone:case I love the color but it has on the:top here it has a place for your air:polish that's so cool so that way you:don't have to carry your air pod case:around with you all the time like you:can just put them in here but again I:ordered it for the wrong phone size so:that's fun Sarah does know how to own:phone cases oh I don't know if it's:gonna fit the air pot pros though so I:guess we will find out okay so it:doesn't it doesn't fit the pros but you:get the idea you know what I mean I feel:like it would be a pretty cool case if:it was the right size and it fit my air:pot pros buddy does neat but overall I'm:gonna give this one a  out of  I:can't really judge it too much because:I've got the wrong size and I don't have:the right air pots for it but the idea:is they're excellent:no I got then:you're like I mean the thought is there

the idea is that you feel I don't know 

I:really like this one it does what it's:supposed to do I'm gonna give it a tag:and I've ordered the same case by ok so:the next this order this what's a freak:this one is just a color one I don't:know what's going through my head when I:order this it looks like a gel phone:look it literally looks like cuz it has:like these little like things on the:side and then like this metal thing I:don't know I was thinking this looks so:ugly yeah when it came all dirty too I:mean oh it's like crate that's pretty:cool that's a swine okay I kind of like:that one I kind of like how it Frank but:this is what it looks like it's pretty:basic:I mean it's not my cup of tea exactly:but I'm guess if you were looking for:like a pretty basic case it does the job:I'm gonna give us all it seven out of:ten:next 

one case it's not just kind of 

bulky I don't want ever ordering this:what is this oh my god this is like a:full-on otterbox i swear look how thick:that is:it's a literally like up bulletproof:baby oh it's like one of those:three-piece set:i regret i always used to have this type:of case is a kid with like the little:jewels on it and then like the:three-piece set but with like this big:of a phone it's just it's too big you:don't mean it looks like a toy phone:this thing could like literally last a:bullet I swear:now this is Sarah proof I'm telling you:this is the kind of phone case you like:give you're like eight year old because:they're using your phone if you don't:want them to break it I feel like I like:protective cases but they're just too:bulky I give it an A for effort but I:wouldn't wear it just cuz it's too:chunky I give it to an eight and moving:on oh this one's pretty it's pink:oh okay so this one is super cute oh my:god I like this one so this one is kind:of like a box entice jump baby did you:like me well it's Benny it does okay so

this is the next iPhone case

 there's one:it's like so extra I mean it is so extra:like if you look at it it's got like:little like indentions:I don't know what it's supposed to be is:it opposed to be like a suitcase is it:supposed to be like a box I don't really:know but I feel like it's cute like you:would see like the popular girl wearing:it you know what I mean like right it's:super girly I kind of dig it but I don't:think I would ever wear it just because:of how extra it is right it's got:freaking like gold going all the way:around me however it does look like the:picture and I think it is pretty if you:were like into this style I'm digging:the vibe I give it a  out of  love:this oh my god the quality of this one:sucks booty I mean it bad I can't:explain how crappy this field and and:then it's like came all scratched up:kind of like:you guys can't see in the light but:there's like a bunch of like scratches:on it and the colors are not that cute:I don't know how they got away with:selling this because it is a very poor:condition it probably costs up not even:Li not hating but  cents to make it:look it's got a little ombre on it oh my:gosh I mean other than like it's like:super stretched up though at the bottom:I mean other than that though it looks:so good because like it hombres from:like a pinky to like a the rose gold and 

it hasn't pink and black I like it now

it does feel cheap but it looks good I:actually really like this one other than:the quality and how ugly it came I would:give this a solid and on  for looks:but on quality it kind of like messed it:up so I would give it like a  out of :so this next one is supposed to it's not:a case so it comes with like a little:cover for the camera part so like this:part right here which I actually really:like to show I bought like a little:cover for it so it wouldn't get all:scratched up so pretty much it's like:this little and I'm gonna stick it on my:phone I actually really like the way it:looks right now it's got that clear:little thing but imagine if you look:like this imagine if I Bowie  came:would like this texture honestly I hate:the way that looks I mean I guess it's:supposed to be a protector that's what:it was labeled as but I think I would:rather scratch my phone than wear this:it looks ugly yeah I don't know what do:you guys think let me know in the:comments I'm not taking it I think it's:because the colors are clashing I'm:gonna take that off real quick I don't:really like it I give it a  maybe if it

wasn't a different color put

 the rolls:gold last night here I I can help the:best one look at that oh hey save it:back for that so apparently I ordered an:avocado phone case:ten and ten for me okay so here's the:actual phone case that's kind of:important it is like this avocado it has:the same idea like right here with a:little strap like the other one did um:but this time it has avocado on it:and it's got a nice little texture to it:it looks super cute on this phone case I:really like it it has a felony:um I have to say though I don't know:about this whole strap thing but:honestly I do like this one I love that:it comes with a little lanyard I'm:probably to wear this laundry now cuz:it's cute but I give this a  and a :of course because it's my own kind it's:an avocado and that was the last of my:iPhone cases okay guys we have a small:problem I don't know if you guys

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