
Samsung Galaxy NEW MODEL s22

been using samsung's galaxy

s:ultra for just about a week now is it:still worth it three months later:whether you're looking to upgrade from a:note series or from an iphone to android:like i did i'm gonna tell you some:things that i really like and some:things that i dislike about samsung's:newest flagship i usually go for the:biggest phone in a company's lineup:specifically the iphone when i was:buying the iphone  i was looking at:getting the  pro max but due to the:pandemic it was really hard to find one:so i ended up going for the smaller:little brother but i love having a big:screen whether it's watching videos or:playing games there's just so much more:to enjoy on a larger display and i:actually found myself using the  pro:less because it had a smaller display:this is not the case

 with the s ultra:however you're gonna love the

. inch:display on this thing it is massive :hertz oled it looks so beautiful now:that i've got this display i wouldn't:trade it for anything smaller i found:myself getting lost in content i found:myself playing more games and watching:more videos just because of the size of:the display and i actually found myself:using my phone a lot more obviously one:bonus of having the large display is it:gives you a big writing area for the s:pen now with less latency it really does:feel like you're writing on a really:slippery piece of paper i'll be honest i:didn't think i would use the s pen as:much as i do since i've never had it on:another phone but it actually does come:in handy for work orders at my job like:i no longer have to carry around a pen:and paper i could just open this up in:the morning write everything that i need:to down and i'm good to go which is:perfect for me because i'm an extremely:forgetful person i always misplace the:notepad but i'm never gonna misplace my:phone some people will use the s pen all:the time and some people will just:set it and forget it:but at the end of the day i'm really:glad that it exists because having the:option to use it is something that i

can't complain about but how long does

the battery last i was really anxious:when buying this phone because i figured:it wouldn't hold up compared to with:what i've been spoiled with by the:iphone  pro though i find for the most:part that it's actually either on par or:better with the  pro throughout my day:to day i work at a dealership and:without going into too much detail about:what i do for work let's just say i:stand on my feet all day typically a:standard workday for the s ultra is:continuous streaming of spotify over g:whether it's podcasts or music and using:notes app and writing down my work:orders with the s pen sometimes i get to:sneak in a little bit of youtube tick:tock or doom scroll on twitter:throughout the occasional break but this:thing lasts the entire eight hour work:day and then some by the time i get home:at around pm i still have anywhere from:about  to  battery life this might:not sound like a lot but i was:struggling to maintain around  on the:iphone with that heavy usage i don't:have an outlet readily available for me:at work so i need something that can get:me through my day today and i'm really:glad the s ultra is something that can:keep up a little side note i did notice:the battery life wasn't that great for:the first couple of days but i found out:it's because samsung was trying to

optimize the battery life depending on

my usage to know what apps to suspend:and what apps to stay active and i'm:able to get seven hours of screen on:time on a regular day which i think is:absolutely amazing so i have zero:complaint though this is not a two day:battery because it's android it's just:less optimized when it comes to screen:off time now you do get a good amount of:screen off time but i wouldn't say that:this phone is something that i can:comfortably leave in my pocket for two:days and not worry about having to:charge it because at night time before:  when i go to plug it in it's about: to  remaining which isn't bad at:all considering i wake up pretty early:can we just talk about these cameras for:a second though i mean the last time:that i daily drove a samsung was the s: plus and it fell short hard the video:was smeary the images lacked any:substance and looked blurry and within:apps like instagram twitter facebook you:name it the camera was just a screen:grab and you lose so much detail i found:myself having to take a photo and then:uploading it i couldn't just send photos:straight through the app i'm really:happy to say that that is not the case:with this phone every single first party

social media application that i've used

takes an image natively from this phone:and that is great because these cameras:are no slouch the thing is the  pro:wasn't a bad camera and most people will:say that it's actually one of the best:in a smartphone right now and for a:quick point and shoot pick up and go:camera i kind of have to agree the:iphone's camera is absolutely amazing:but these things are just so:feature-rich you have way more to play:with and you can just get whatever shot:you want on these things on this phone:you get an ultra wide lens a wide lens a:three times telephoto and a  times:telephoto the  times is actually:incredible and it allows for digital:zoom up to  times magnification you:want to take a photo of the moon you:quite literally could with this phone:though i'm by no means a camera expert:though if you did a blind camera test:you might actually end up preferring the:vibrancy that you get out of the s:ultra we've talked about the displays:the battery the s pen camera none of:these matter if the overall experience:on the phone is garbage so how is it:from a general user perspective i would:say that people with iphone are spoiled:by reliability and stability you may not:get super exciting features year over:year but you get a phone that lasts and:it does a great job at keeping up in my:honest opinion i feel like the s ultra:is no different apps load super fast the:phone is super responsive and it just:worked which is honestly all i can ask:from a phone though let's keep in mind:that it wasn't really until recently:that you can expect this kind of:stability from an android phone even the

pixel  pro which uses google's own:tensor

 chip and google's own software is:still a buggy mess to this day despite:being launched around the same time as:the iphone  lineup but:that being said my experience with the:s ultra has been nothing short of:amazing keep in mind though i was lucky:enough to get a snapdragon version of:this phone which actually does make a:noticeable difference not only in:performance but in battery life if:you're one of the unlucky few where the:exonus chip is the one that is in your:country i haven't had any experience:with that so i can't speak on behalf of:it but the snapdragon is actually:amazing do note though and this is:something that's not very obvious is if:you're getting the  gigabyte version:just be careful because it only has:eight gigabytes of ram eight gigs of ram:sounds like a lot in a phone but android:isn't a very well optimized operating:system we all know that and having more:ram like the  gigs found in the :gig version and up allows for more apps:to be you know open and not suspended so:it makes performance just a little bit:snappier and doesn't force all your apps:to close randomly so the phone's great:but:what don't i like about it my complaints:with this phone honestly are way less:about the hardware than they are of the:software i feel like there's a couple:things that are very nitpicky but i feel:like hold it back from being the perfect:phone one ui is great and it's

beautiful it's polished and there's a

lot of features that i find myself using:but there's also a lot of bloat that:just simply is not needed why do i need:a gallery app and google photos when:they both do the exact same thing why:can't my samsung apps update via google:play instead of the samsung store:application for every default app on the:s ultra there's a google and a samsung:version like messages:and:messages both of the names are the same:and the icons are identical but google's:messages is the one that you want to be:using when i move the data from my:iphone i used google photos to download:my photos from my iphone to the cloud to:back it up so that i can download them:here but in most applications if you're:sharing a photo sometimes you get only:the option to use gallery instead of:google photos to browse from your device:and normally that wouldn't be a problem:if i can just easily download my google:photos to gallery but i literally have:to individually select every single:photo and hit download to be able to:save them to this phone i'm pretty sure:this wasn't a problem before because i:remember doing this on the s plus but:now in the google photos app it just:looks like you can't do it so i have two:photo applications with two different:gallery sets and it's kind of confusing:another thing that i've learned to:dislike about this phone is the:biometric don't get me wrong the d face

unlock is actually amazing and

 i've had:zero issues with it i also like that i:can pick between not only a passcode but:a pattern but:i have to use fingerprint to be able to:use samsung pass to save my passwords i:have three security methods set up now i:have fingerprint i have pattern and i:have face unlock why why do i need three:security methods to be able to use my:phone now granted it doesn't really:matter because i could just look at my:phone and it unlocks so i almost never:have to use the pattern unlock on my:phone but i actually had to go out of my:way to disable fingerprint from working:within the lock screen just to be able:to use it for my passwords i didn't have:the option to use pattern or face unlock:to be able to use samsung pass and i:just i don't understand

why if i'm using biometrics

 on the phone let me use that:biometric for other applications like:the iphone if i have face id scotiabank:and all my applications use face id why:do i need to have other biometrics it:just doesn't make any sense it just:seems like there's so many hoops to do a:simple task i get it you know it's:security your fingerprint is pretty:secure:but if i use a x pattern grid or a x:it's exponentially:more secure than using a fingerprint so:why don't i just have the option to do:that now those are nitpicks because:honestly i don't really have a complaint:about the hardware of this phone it's:honestly amazing and if you were:thinking about picking one up i think:it's genuinely a no-brainer i would do:it without any hesitation and i think:you're going to be super happy with the:phone that you're getting thank you guys:for watching my video on the s ultra:if you enjoyed it please leave a like:down

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