
iphone 13 pro 2 unboxing

hey besties how you doing

i'm back:it's me d to the a to the e:and we're back with another video:so today:today i'm doing what's on my iphone i:didn't i just felt like doing it so i'm:gonna just give y'all also my iphone i:don't know i'm trying to get my room all:together:and:whatever but for my last videos as you:guys can see yeah i've been in this nice:little corner for a minute so we're:gonna try to:wear something out so that this is what:i record if you didn't know i have the:iphone  pro i don't have the max i:didn't really:want a big phone i like having my phone:small for some reason that's just me:so:we're gonna get into:this video let me put my phone on do not:disturb and turn my screen recorder on:so that nobody bothered me i have a lot:of energy because i'm a night owl so if:one thing:anybody knows about me is i:i'm up all night:sleep all day:unless i have something to do then i'd:be up but yeah:so:let's turn my screen recorder on and i'm:gonna put my screen:most likely over here:so yeah i could see what's going on all:right so we're going to start off with:my lock screen:i'm going to clear my laptop so my lock:screen is literally just my vision board:that i made:for :some things i want to accomplish or also:daily reminders 

so like affirmations and:stuff that 

i need to see just so that i:know what i'm working towards for this:year:we're going to open my:uh i can't talk:we're going to open my phone up and this:is the first page i mean this is the:first page but like:yeah that's:that's that nothing too crazy but this:is my first page on my home screen so at:the bottom here we have my phone we have:safari we have my mail we have the mail:app and we have gmail we have my music:up top we have messages photos camera:weather the clock then i have this:folder up here it's the little home app:i don't know what that is i've never:used damn name latia contacts i don't:even look at my contacts in that app so:but we have the health we have files i:don't really have anything in my files:really i do:i do yeah i do:and i have my two for:my ladies you know yeah period tracker:apps i have that as well:then i have this other folder next to it:this is mostly like my navigation and:some other stuff that is a navigation:but like any i don't know it just to me:it'll make sense for them all to be:together so i have the transit app so:this app is really like:time like buses and stuff like that and:that like that out because it showed you:where i am

we have:google maps we have the compass

 we have:maps we have uber lyft i have these two:mta apps one of the first one is:um for me to like buy my tickets and:stuff to the city as you know i live:upstate so this is how i go to the city:the train i used to go to the city is:the metro north so that's how about:management that's how i buy my metronome:tickets and then we also have the other:one for:me to check the time of the trains:we also have ubereats and then doordash:and i have my starbucks and chick-fil-a:up in here just because:this next app that we uh next folder:that we have is more of like my:productivity folder or whatever so we:have reminders my calendar apple wallet:was already here i just never moved it:so i just kept it here and then we have:this app called checks widget this is:like a little um:like a checklist like to make a:checklist but i want to delete it:because it's serving no use when my:notes does the same thing so:one thing about your phone the on:your phone apple smart the show on your:phone really makes you not need anything:else:but i try not to rely so much on:technology so i do write my planner like:that but yeah:so then we also have the itunes store we:have the app store my notes and my:settings and that's it for the first:page really simple really basic:our second page

we have at the top we have facetime 

we:have the calculator we have find my:iphone we also have this is like my:little:education like school folder whatever so:i have google docs group me outlook my:mobile id app um this app is really for:like the bikes like i don't know if your:your college like your college campus:have like bikes and stuff like that but:like mine does so that's how you like:get the bike whatever we have blackboard:and socratic i have a couple apps like:socratic on my phone that you guys are:going to see like later in this video:but they do come in handy:they i recommend them here we have like:my little money um not my money but like:you know all the apps that i really use:for like banking are in this folder so:we have cash app we have td we have big:american we have discover tv and bank of:america like my two um my two bank:accounts where you know my debit and my:savings and then discover is my credit:card we have snap we have instagram and:then these are just like the this is the:this is a folder that contains like all:of the apple apps that we that i have or:that comes on your phone basically so:like the apple store i kind of moved:them around and deleted some of them:because it's not all of them but i have:the apple store clips imovie pages:numbers keynote measure watch shortcuts

stocks fitness translate i'm actually:gonna

 edit this right now:because:um:i don't use the apple store that much:but i feel like watch should be the:first thing that's in there so i'm gonna:change it to that:then we have this picture of me:i was a little tipsy i'm not gonna last:i was a little tipsy and i find this:picture so cute and i did my makeup so:bomb this day oh my gosh:stay stay tuned for my makeup routine:because:yeah i i ate my makeup up i don't care:what nobody tells me my makeup looked:good my hair looked good:my outfit looked good i looked bomb this:day that's all that's all i care about:then we're gonna go to our third folder:we're gonna have we have another picture:on my home screen this is a little:vision board that i made myself i made:this in like september uh let me stop:lying i made this no like september:october or like maybe november to be:completely on twitter i'm giving myself:too much credit probably made it in:november um:i i knew that i needed a vision board so:this is just a start like a little:starter one before i made the one that's:on my lock screen i'm probably going to:change this to something else because i:have something on my photos that i want:to change it

to here because this is:also a page that

 i go into a lot:so first this is really nothing but:folders as you guys could see twitter is:by itself i should move twitter over:next to instagram and move the other:folder to the other page i think that's:what i'm going to do all my folders have:like the little heart thing on them just:because i just it just fits like my:aesthetic and with for me but first:folder we have youtube youtube studio:for all my content creators you know why:youtube studio and we also have tik tok:just keep it here this is my like:editing:or whatever:folder so i have canva fonto:um this is godaddy studio it was:currently:named over so if you know what over is:that's the same thing as this and unfold:i haven't really touched on unfold yet:like i have it but i don't really use it:the way i'm supposed to so:we're gonna get into that when i start:um uploading more often how i should:then next we have like:where about where i watch my shows i:don't really watch shows on my phone:anymore i normally watch them on my:laptop and my tv but when i do:like on the road like when i'm on the:metro north going to the city or:something i want to watch a show um:while i watch her on my phone we have

netflix hula disney plus

 and hbo max:and:i feel like i'm missing something that:should be in there but i don't know:because yeah then we have like my little:shopping folder my shopping folder:um:i shop quite often but like not i try:not to shop so often but i really do so:we have my amazon we have the shop app:we have pretty little things sheen:boohoo in target:um:i shop at target a lot but i normally:shop at target online not online in:stores:so but:when i put in my number and stuff like:that like it connects here you know you:get points like a target circle i'm:probably target circle since i shop:there so much so that's why i have the:app real thing sheen boohoo those are:really for clothes i'm a pretty little:thing i love regular thing most of my:stuff is from pretty little things so:yeah i haven't really shot that sheen in:a minute though so yeah the shop app i:definitely recommend you keep track of:all your purchases and you can track:them as well so i connected that to my:email:for when i order stuff or whatever so i:don't really like have to physically go:into the email to track it and just:you get it like it alerts you so when it:moves to a different location it tells:you when it's delivered all that next i 

have games i don't really use games

 like:that i used to but i never deleted:though i deleted most of the games that:i had but i kept some of them so the two:that i only kept and sometimes i played:but i don't really play is path painter:and:perfect hit:they're just soothing for me but i am a:fan of past painter because this game is:they literally have skype once i start:playing it i cannot not play it:ate that level up just like that don't:play with me:but yeah:then i have twitter like i said so now:we're gonna get into my actual apps i:have a couple of them as you can see:adidas i'm just gonna scroll to the list:i'm not even gonna explain really much:but i i'm gonna explain some of them:just because like might as well and my:camera battery is about to die so i'm:gonna try to go through this as fast as:i can i have adidas i have this app:really for um easy slides and phone:runners because:well is it this app:i don't know i don't know i don't know:but i'm about to just name my apps and:you know:yeah going whatever yeah like whatever:you know for me i have a theaters i have:afterpay airbnb alibaba that's how i:talk to my vendors so um that's where:like my lash vendor is well not where i:talk to my business just where i find my:vendors sometimes depending on what it:is but stay tuned to oh stay tuned for:christmas day cool because i'm:relaunching and coming back better than:ever:aliexpress um i order:all my most of my sunglasses

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